Text types: advertisements

prep for the exam~~

How is language in this article used to convince the reader?


Purpose= to pursade the audeince to support Starbuck becasue they are adopting sustainable methods;

Text Type= adversitment on a website- informative (text type link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c0PF0Jota-UCwA3tCj3Fi0ZKy6ut7U4DDT5IsNacuSA/edit) ;

Audience= adults who drink coffee and people who are concerned about the environment.

Thesis= several literary techniques are used to pursuade the reader into supporting Starbucks Coffee’s sustainable endavour; such as 2nd person pronouns, use of diction, and use of statistics


  • the use of 2nd person pronouns such as, “we” and “us” are used to pursuade the reader into supporting Starbucks as it not only includes the reader in their endavour, but also creates a sense of closeness and community.
    • “we invite you to join us” = 2nd person + call to action draws the reader in, creates a sense of wholeness but also places some responsibility on the reader; this makes them feel obligated to support the buisness
  • word choice/ diction related to “Global Issues”; can be called Buzzwords- used to “greenfish” the audience- convinces the reader that supporting Starbucks is supporting a good cause
    • words/ phrases like: “comprehensive strategy”, “financial empowerment”, “community”, “farmer support centers”, etc. = draws in a specific reader that is passionate about these topics and is more suseptable to the manipulative techniques of a large corporation- Big companies don’t care about the environment, they care about money
  • use of stats: makes the compay seem more legit- makes the reader think that the company is transparent and more trustworthy/ can be trusted with the reader’s support (as in buying things)
    • “100% ethically sourced coffee”; “100 million trees by 2025” = makes the company seem proactive in their involvemnt with the climate crisis; again, is deceptive to the kind of person that is genuinely passionate about these topics; gives the illusion of credibility and trust and therefore worthy of the reader’s money

CONC: companies will use various tactics to seem credible and lure readers in to manipulate them into supporting the brand- buzzwords and diction create the sense of passion and lures that demographic; call to action places responsibility on the reader- making them feel obligated to support; stats give the illusion of transparancy and legitimacy

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