Informal Reflection – 6th Nov 2020

Reflection for the Comparison of Two Extracts

What did you find easy about this task? What did you do well?
Formatting the text to fit into the boxes was my favourite part (because I love formatting things). And I also found picking the text from \’WNNN\’ pretty straight forward, but finding a Monbiot article to fit the same criteria was a little more difficult. 

What did you find challenging about this task?
The most challenging part of this task was finding clear connections between each extract. They generally relate to each other, but when asked specifically about it, their connection is made when interpreting the \’just right statement\’ a little differently. 

What do you need to practice more in order to overcome this challenge(s)?
Maybe by finding a more general statement that overlaps between the topics that both the novel and Monbiot covers. Maybe speaking about racial profiling or racism faced in the US. These would give me a wider range of articles to cover.

What are some new perspectives you gained after your close study of the extracts?
Monbiot\’s article gave a very new and in depth perspective/ commentary on how one seemingly non-issue is actually a catalyst/ outcome of a large problem in the UK. In this article he highlights how privatised land denies those who are less fortunate from using these public spaces, and how this can actually be quite dangerous for those who are homeless and face unfair and catastrophic consequences if they accidentally wondered onto private land. 

In what ways is the kind of knowledge we gain from the study of language and literature different from the kind we gain through the study of other disciplines?

The study of language and literature gives a more in-depth look into one\’s perspective or experiences, as opposed to an art piece, or someone\’s interpretation of History. For example, looking at someone\’s diary or autobiography, the audience gains an insight into their thoughts and feelings. 

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